It's interesting to me, how the light can change as the sun progresses across the sky. If you compare this painting, to other buckskin horses I've painted, you can see she seems kind of washed out of color. This painting is of the hottest part of the day when the heat of the sun is sapping all color from the objects it hits. You can almost feel the sizzling heat as it's been around 100 degrees here for days.
I started this painting at $9.99 on ebay and Baby Face is in the ebay store for $35.
I have four cards selling at this moment. If you want one, don't be afraid to jump in and bid! There are some of the same people who bid on nearly every card I create. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right when the same person returns to purchase art from me again and again.
My thanks go out to them for they're keeping me going! It's nice to have some encouragement when you're working hard to create a worthy product.
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