This painting will go on ebay today also. Thanks for stopping by and if you want to bid on my items, do a seller search for jackmorgan! Be sure to mark my auctions as a favorite seller and you'll get ebay updates. You can also subscribe to this blog by adding your email address in the feedblitz box to your right.
This painting sold.
PS You can still see horse art, horse paintings, wildlife art, and cow art on my website.
Hello Donna,i just saw your hand painted tie & was mesmerized. I love it. Do you accept orders for hand paint ties? I'd love to have my conure on a tie. I've tried(I like drawing) but it was awful. I live in Japan, if I send you pics would you paint them on a tie?(I have two birds,a daughter & wife I'd like painted.)Please contact me at rikavoll@yahoo.com . My name is Ricardo, I'm a Spaniard living in Osaka,Japan. Cheers and keep up the good work. P.S. (My Japanese computer does not allow me to contact you on your blog mail, so I try here...Thank you in advance)