You might wonder what's happening here, but we have to move my studio back 100 feet so we can put a foot of fill gravel under it. Where we live, we're subject to flood control regulations. We had a year to get this project done, and the time is almost up.
We thought we could hire a local contractor to do the job for us, but we've waited 11 months for him to show up, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of him, around here. We go to his house, and ask if he still wants this job, and he says, "Yes, I'll get right on it." But he doesn't show up!
When we went to get a load of wood yesterday, we saw a gravel pit along the road, near our house. Drove into the pit, and talked to some of the people who were working there, and asked them which construction company owned the pit. Called them when we got home, and they said they could come to do the job in two days! So we hurried to get ready for them.
So the hardest part of the job, we thought, would be to move the studio off the spot. As it turns out, the bobcat did the job! We were a little amazed ourselves.
The photo above shows where the studio was, the photo below shows where the bobcat shoved the trailer!

I had Robert stand by the bobcat, so you can see what a small machine it really is!

You can see from the angle of the pickup, the bobcat put the trailer there by itself. I wasn't even pulling, just trying to get out of the way!

Talk about a rush, I jumped out of the truck and ran to the bobcat, just in time to stop Robert before the studio hit that big power pole at the back of the trailer.
That bobcat is like the little engine that could...it doesn't know it isn't big enough to do things like this!

Here's Pedro and Daisy, wondering what happened to the house that used to be in this spot! And I can see I need to paint the utility shed next summer...Always something to paint!
Tomorrow the semi's will come with the gravel, two side dump loads, and one normal dump truck. When that is smoothed out, we can pull the trailer back into place. Once it's there , we have to block it level, put skirting on it, insulate underneath it, make flower beds around it, fix the broken window, patch the holes in it's sides, and do a little fixing up inside. It's a real project to make a studio! But so worth it. Just the few art projects I've been doing lately have taken over the entire house.
We're getting ready for the gun show in one living room, framing paintings on the dining room table, creating more paintings in the spare bedroom, and trying to live in the middle of it all! It's fun, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

And neither would Daisy!
Donna Ridgway
Email Meif you have questions, or want to inquire about purchasing a painting.
Remember, you can find horse art, Western art, Mule and Donkey art
wildlife art, cow art, and animal paintings, for sale on my website.
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