These fawns were 2007 babies, still following their mom, who had jumped the creek, then jumped the fence. As I was clicking away with my camera to capture the action, I caught one of them preparing to jump the creek and one preparing to jump the fence.
I flipped the photo of the one jumping the fence so they faced each other. If you click on the photos, you'll see a larger version. I had posted the fawn jumping the creek with my post yesterday, but decided these guys were so cute, they needed their very own post! So I edited yesterday's post, took the fawn out of the line up, and put him here.

It's such a high to get out in the country to find wildlife, and watch them doing the things they do. I loved the way this doe coaxed her babies not only over the creek, but also over the fence, to join her in the next field. She didn't make many noises, as the deer sometimes do, she just used body language and they understood!
Part of the joy Robert and I find in chasing down photos like these, is the fun of sharing them. We hope you're enjoying what we found for you yesterday...
Donna and Robert Ridgway
Email Meif you have questions, or want to inquire about purchasing a painting.
Remember, you can find horse art, Western art, Mule and Donkey art
wildlife art, cow art, and animal paintings, for sale on my website.
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