"Rack and Ruin"
This grand old barn is falling in......has lost it's stately dignity.....it's earthly usefulness is long gone.

"Right Angle"
I live the way your eye travels up this bush, and is forced to make an abrupt right to the graceful swoop of snow drift sculpture.

"The traditional Montana Meadowlark"
I've longed to capture the meadow lark on the post for a while, they've been illusive to my camera. Yesterday, we hit it lucky for not only is this one your perfect example, I also like the line of the fence and the pattern of the weeds.

"Montana Meadowlark"
Here's another version of this bird. I liked the way this fellow was turned toward me, curious, before he flew away.

The Owl
It's not ordinary to see an owl out hunting on a day such as this one was. The sun was awesomely bright, and light reflected and bounced off the snow, until it hurt my eyes! But when you look at this owl in very close up detail, on the enlarged, original, photo, you can see his pupils are very tiny.
Once again, I hope you're enjoying the photos from yesterdays' Montana photoshoot.
Donna and Robert Ridgway
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