Saturday, August 05, 2006

Things are looking up around here!
An aceo oil painting of a goat. You have access to all kinds of animals at the fair! I especially like the goats. I had a miniature goat named Frosty one time. She was so much fun, mostly because she had an irrepressible spirit. She was constantly in mischief. But she was also extremely friendly and fun.

I'm going to put this image on a thank you card that will be for sale in my zazzle gift shop.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hey Donna,

    My name is Albert and I work at Zazzle. I noticed that your link is going to" instead of*



Birthday party for a one year old.

One of our great grandsons had his first birthday party on Saturday. He's such a good little guy, and he's full of action, so it was...