Your sneak peek into the studio of Donna Ridgway, Montana artist. Paintings, wildlife and nature photography. Stories of making the art, and creating the photographs.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Not sure what to call this one yet.
I love this one! The original photo, was an old white mule. He was walking along the fence line, next to the road because he refuses to stay inside his pasture. The sun flowers were blooming on tall stems and he walked by them. These become a little bit like negatives, only wilder!
Donna Ridgway
Heat Wave! Mule screen saver photo.
I'm still experimenting with my screen saver project. This was my favorite from tonight's trials. I set up the tripod, and tried to do it right.
This mule looks like he's lit up from hot lava within.
I try all the variables I can when I'm doing this, moving the computer, changing the light, tilting the screen....It's very fun! Giving me some ideas for new paintings too.....
Donna Ridgway
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Free screen saver.
To everyone who commented...thank you!
If you'd like a free screen saver, email me at, with the address where you wish to receive your screen saver. I'll send a large jpg file in return, which you can use for a screen saver.
Donna Ridgway
If you'd like a free screen saver, email me at, with the address where you wish to receive your screen saver. I'll send a large jpg file in return, which you can use for a screen saver.
Donna Ridgway
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Carousel horse, screen saver photo experiment.
You never know what the camera will see, as the images roll along. This one was fasinating to me!
Remember to leave a comment to have one of these images mailed to you for your screen saver...
Donna Ridgway
Carousel horse, photo experiment, screen saver.
Here's another image I liked.
Don't forget to leave a comment on one of these experiments, and get your free image for your screensaver!
Donna Ridgway
Bling! Carousel horse photo, screen saver experiment.
I almost jumped up and down for joy when I saw this image on my computer screen. It's maybe my favorite from last nights photoshoot.
Remember to leave a comment today to on one of these posts to get your free image for your screen saver!
Donna Ridgway
Another photograph the screen saver photo. Carousel horse.
Here's another photo of one of my screen saver images. Click the image to see a larger view. Wow, I haven't had so much fun since I first saw Paul, the nudist bookstore owner in Quartside, AZ! :) And yes, I have photos of him also!
Leave a comment today, and I'll email you a free screensaver of one of these images. If I don't get any takers, I'll cry, I'm going through a very discouraged, depressed, down and out, no one loves my art, time of life. Well.....don't take that to seriously...I'm really on the upswing of things! :) I just want some comments!
Your feedback is important to me, comments are like gifts, when I get one, I dance around and jump up and down for joy. You don't have to leave compliments, just your honest thoughts. So what do you think about this image, do you like it better or worse than the first screen saver image I posted?
Did you know, when you mark follow on a blog, it will show up in your google reader in your google account? I just learned that fact today.
Don't forget to leave a comment and get a free screensaver image...
Donna Ridgway
Carousel horse experiment. Photo screen saver.
Last night, I was sitting here on the couch, I had Robert's computer on my lap, and my computer on my lap. I was sorting photos on one, and uploading photos on the other. At one point, I looked at my screen saver, the screen was tipped back, and the images were showing in a completely different way than they usually display. It's a weird digital thing with monitors....
As usual, my curiousity was aroused and I wondered if my camera would see the same thing I was seeing with my eyes. Ran to get the camera, changed the lens and started taking photos as the screen shots from the screen saver rolled by. This is one of the photos, there will be more to follow.
These shots were taken with me sitting on the couch, holding the camera over the computer, the cats were curious about what I was doing and kept jumping up here to see, Robert was wiggling the couch...:) And I still got shots that I'm positively excited about! I love these images!
More to come. I'm going to get serious about this kind of photography, set up the tripod and get to work. I think different times of day will affect the images, different lighting in the house will affect the images, and different camera settings will affect them. I can't wait to try it all out!
I'm sure some subjects will lend themselves to this better than others, and definitely some colors appear much better than others. This will be the greatest fun!
Next on my list, to create a screensaver for sale with images like this.
Follow my blog, join me on facebook, or twitter, or sign up to have this blog delivered to your inbox...
And let me know what you think of this image, leave a comment now.
Donna Ridgway
As usual, my curiousity was aroused and I wondered if my camera would see the same thing I was seeing with my eyes. Ran to get the camera, changed the lens and started taking photos as the screen shots from the screen saver rolled by. This is one of the photos, there will be more to follow.
These shots were taken with me sitting on the couch, holding the camera over the computer, the cats were curious about what I was doing and kept jumping up here to see, Robert was wiggling the couch...:) And I still got shots that I'm positively excited about! I love these images!
More to come. I'm going to get serious about this kind of photography, set up the tripod and get to work. I think different times of day will affect the images, different lighting in the house will affect the images, and different camera settings will affect them. I can't wait to try it all out!
I'm sure some subjects will lend themselves to this better than others, and definitely some colors appear much better than others. This will be the greatest fun!
Next on my list, to create a screensaver for sale with images like this.
Follow my blog, join me on facebook, or twitter, or sign up to have this blog delivered to your inbox...
And let me know what you think of this image, leave a comment now.
Donna Ridgway
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Foal talk! Here's a conversation for you.
Wonder what they're talking about?
Got any captions to post below? Feel free to leave yours....
Donna Ridgway
Photo of a bay foal.
Nothing like photos of foals, to make you long for spring. You can't wait to see the new ones coming into the world. This little bay Quarter Horse is so fuzzy and cute. I found him while I was going through photos I took a couple years ago. I haven't seen some of these for such a long time, I'm enjoying them all over again, and hoping you will too!
Donna Ridgway
Donna Ridgway
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Four Wheeling over snow banks.
How do you cross a snowbank like this? It wasn't a problem coming over the other side, it had a gradual slope and luckily I didn't fall through! And coming down the steep side is easier than getting up it again on this side.
We were at the ranch, helping to catch up on some work, when I decided to make a swing around the ranch buildings to see what predators might be close to the buildings.
I made it over this snow bank, because it was so high, the twig tops of the aspen trees stuck through, giving me traction and keeping me from falling through the drift. When I got to this side, I tried three times to make it up the hill and failed each time.
Since I can't admit to failure, and everyone else was working so hard, I didn't want to have to call for the tractor, I had to put my thinking cap on! I finally gathered a million small tree branches and made myself a corrugated trail over the bank. It worked like a charm. :)
Luckily, the only predator tracks I saw were those of a small cat, either a bobcat or a young mountain lion, I don't know tracks well enough to tell the difference. Main thing was, it wasn't a large enough cat to scare my cousin's range cattle. They'll be able to fight it off if it comes in after the calves.
I also went to Fish Lake to see what predators might be lurking behind the hills. I saw a large coyote and took photos of him. As I came down the hill, and got to the gate at the lake, I drove my four wheeler through, and parked it, in gear, with it's front wheels facing uphill. I always do it that way! The wind was blowing so hard, it turned the wheels down hill and the four wheeler took off! For some crazy reason, as I reached for the gate post, I looked up to check on the four wheeler, to see it racing down the hill. I've never run so fast in my life, and at the last minute, I threw myself across the seat to grab the right steering bar and jerk the wheels around.
You can bet I won't leave my four wheeler in gear, without the brake set again. Especially when the wind is blowing 90 per. :) I knew better in the first place, I only do it because it's so handy.
Donna Ridgway
Babies for reference photos.
Here's a sample of some of the reference photos I have for sale, on my reference photos for sale website. I can see these curious foals in a prairie setting, where the mom is reaching for a tasty thistle top. They'd make a great painting, wouldn't they?
My reference photos are not expensive. I like to offer them at a price anyone can afford. I also like to provide a huge variety of photos. I'll be uploading hundreds in the next few days.
Hop on over to my photo blog, and see the latest samples! There are many subjects, mountain goat photos, mountain sheep photos, mule deer photos, whitetail deer photos, photos of abstract objects, nature photos.... Photos of the Rocky Mountain Front, photos of cattle, photos of weeds and flowers, photos of elk, you name it!
I'm dedicated to providing a comprehensive library of reference photos for your use.
Donna Ridgway
Monday, January 19, 2009
Horses on the Rocky Mountain Front
I think the sunlight and warmth put these horses to sleep. They looked so cozy in the warm weather. Considering the fact, the weather was so cold and miserable last week, we couldn't make it to the mountains, this is quite a change for them.
Photos will be for sale on my Photoworks site as soon as I can get them uploaded.
Donna Ridgway
Photos will be for sale on my Photoworks site as soon as I can get them uploaded.
Donna Ridgway
Some horses on the Rocky Mountain Front
The mountains were beautiful this week. We had a break in the weather, it's 50 degrees. Four wheeling was great.
I saw these horses near Scoffin Butte, I can't drive by this pasture without looking for them and taking photos of them. They look so nice against this backdrop.
Donna Ridgway
Coffee Pot Reflections
We spent a few days at the ranch, cleaning barns, and helping where we could. Today, I was watching a cow calve, and since she was doing ok, I decided to come into the ranch house to get a cup of coffee. Sunlight poured through the kitchen window, lit up the coffee in the pot, and cast this reflection of color onto the kitchen counter.
I'd left my camera on the four wheeler at the corral, so I ran to get it. Luckily, the color remained on the counter, and I was able to get some photos of it!
Donna Ridgway
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Three more sketches for the sketchbook project.
A little art project. First installment, Cleopatra's Couch

I'm involved in a project, with other artists, creating sketches! It frees my mind to do fast, loose, sketches, of subjects I know. I'm enjoying this very much.
As always, I could have started this project earlier. I've had the book to fill for a week or so now. Main thing is, I am starting way before deadline, and that's promising. No late nights hoping to fill the book before I send it off. I think I'll have it finished on time!
I'm focusing on animals I know, the ones who live close to me. This is the rock chuck who lives down the road. She's found a wonderful "hammock" rock to lay on and sun herself. The first time we saw her doing this, we broke into smiles!
She reminded me of Cleopatra, reclining on her couch in all her splendor. I'm going to drape her tail over the edge of the rock a little more, giving her a more interesting shape. Outside of that, she's mostly finished. That is the idea of sketches, you don't have to labor over them! Catch your idea, and move on to the next one.
Perhaps this sketch will become a painting later on....
Donna Ridgway
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Me and the loader again.
I like this picture, Robert took it. I grew up running farm equipment so it was kind of fun to try out the construction stuff. Actually, this loader was way easier to operate than a tractor.
Robert's friend came along, when we were loading and sorting wood piles. Daryl kept giving me instructions with his hands, come forward, go back, do this, do that. Finally, he gave up and told Robert, I guess I don't need to give her directions, she runs that thing like a man would. Robert and I were laughing about it afterward, because Robert had expected me to come boiling out of the cab, telling Daryl to keep his hands in his pockets.
Anyway, maybe it's interesting to learn an artist can wear many hats. Most of us are jacks of all trades and have many interests. I'll subject you to some more of my "hats" as I go through my old photos, moving and sorting them to fresh dvd's for storage.
Me, loading 56 Buicks.
Here I am with the loader I ran while we were moving. I have a 56 Buick slung with straps and I'm about to pick it up and put it on a semi. I loved running this loader. Boy, did I ever look like a wild woman, my hair was a mess!
Donna Ridgway
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