Saturday, January 08, 2022

Montana Outdoors Photo Issue


This photo of a porcupine's quills was published in the Montana Outdoors photo issue this year. I was following the porcupine below, begging him as I went along to turn his little face toward me for just a second.  He finally did do that, but not before I gave up and told him if he wouldn't turn around, I'd just take a photo of his rear end.  In the end, pun there, I sent the quills in to be juried as I liked the patterns they made as the porky raised them. He sure was a cute little guy. And I was glad he gave me the photo that made it into the issue.

This burrowing owl was also published in a Montana Outdoors Photo Issue.  The photo issue comes out each year in December and there are 10,000 images vying for publication so I am always honored when one of my images is chosen.  Subscribe to Montana Outdoors and you will see that issue when it comes out each year.  It's only something like $12 a year and it's a great magazine.

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