Sunday, May 17, 2015

Journal pages

Do you sometimes wonder if anyone really sees who you are?  The person you are deep down in your heart?  What would it be like if you could be totally understood for your intentions, not for how people perceive you to be?  So many times in this life, you say or do something that is totally misconstued and there you can't fix it, you can't convince them you meant no harm...and it goes on forever.  The page above was made, thinking of those things.

This page was created after a round of visit's to doctors, the ER, and medical people for my husband's health issues.  I felt like I was drowning in phone calls and frustration, trying to get him the care he needed.  I think we're finally on the right track again.  Hopefully he'll feel better but that's going to involve more surgeries and doctor visits.

And this was created because of all the medical issues also, I was feeling the call of the wild, I just wanted to run away and head for the mountains to find some peace.  I could have spent a month there easily.  But life doesn't work out the way we want it too, so we make the best of it!  Make some more journal pages!  It's great to have time in the studio for this.

We watched a show about a woman who had a husband who could not be happy and he could not allow her or their children to be happy either.  It was called something like, The Contest Winner from Defiance, Oh.  That was a super good show and it made me cry, just watching her trying to make a life from an impossible situation.  I spent 25 years that way so I guess it seemed real personal to me.

Same thing with this page, if your instincts are telling you to run, Do it!  

I met Robert in 2003.  We fought fire, worked for a dynamite crew, drove semi across country, worked on a car crushing crew that toured the state, drove log trucks.  In a few short years we hopped around to so many jobs and adventures.  In 2005 he got hurt and our lives changed totally.  Now we stay home and go to doctors and work on our place.  Everything is still good, it's just different than we had it planned.  You never know what's in store!

This page came about from thinking of all the pets I've lost in my life.  I was looking at their photos, and missing them.

This page is purely an art experiment.  I liked how it turned out, it was fun to create and I'll probably do more similar paintings.  Sometimes journal pages are just for creating new ways to make art.  Sometimes they are for helping you to get things off your mind.

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