Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black team, artist reference photo

Here's a reference photo, you can use for your own artwork if you wish.
Donna Ridgway

Monday, February 21, 2011

Canadian Goose, aceo original acrylic painting.

Purchase Canadian Goose on my Etsy Shop
Robert and I like to go to the Missouri River banks, looking for birds or wildlife.  One day we found this goose and I got a photo of her which was close enough to see the details on her face.  I love the goose faces, I think they're beautiful.

This is an ACEO card, which is 2.5X3.5 inches so it's small, affordable, original art!  You can't go wrong!  ACEO stands for art cards, editions and originals...  She's for sale for $15.00, free shipping.

Hope you enjoy her!
Donna Ridgway

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brush and Floss your teeth, every day!

If you'd like some help, getting your kids to brush and floss their teeth each day, frame this photo and hang it in your bathroom.  The kids will get a kick out of it!  You can order an 8X10 inch photo of this from me, at for $30.00.  That includes shipping and a foam core board.  Let me know if you want one today!
Donna Ridgway

Birthday party for a one year old.

One of our great grandsons had his first birthday party on Saturday. He's such a good little guy, and he's full of action, so it was...