Sharp Slicker, or Slick, or Henry :) A favored child has many names. lol If you click on Henry, you'll find my album of more pictures of him. I haven't got good ones since, the light is just wrong for getting good pics of him.
Last night, Robert and I were dragging out some lumber wraps to cover a pile of lumber before it rained. Robert had drug several tarps out and I was going to pick them up to drag them where we needed them, but I had to walk over the pile to get to the other side of them. I wondered what Henry would do, as he was walking along as he always does, with his nose on my shoulder.
I stepped onto the crackly pile of plastic tarps, and he came right along with me. He had to step pretty high to get over them, but he just kept his nose on my shoulder and kept right on coming. I laughed so hard. I guess he will follow me anywhere?
We're having so much fun with Henry...and Pedro likes him too, even though Henry is such a big big boss of the show.
Henry is smooth to ride, his gaits are like air. But he's so large, in three strides he's loped across our small place. We're busy making a kind of arena so I can ride here, when I don't feel like riding along side a busy 4 lane highway. Even though the ditches are wide, it's more fun to have a private place to ride.
So that's what I've been up to lately! Riding and visiting Henry....