Saturday, December 20, 2008


We were above Kaibob, seeing the sights, when I got out of the car and walked across a wash to take photos of the rock cliff. The cliff was maybe a quarter to a half mile from the car. As I walked along, following deer tracks, these tracks came onto the trail of the deer also. Each track was as large as my hand when it was made into a fist, so the tracks were of a fairly large canine.

I suppose a dog could come out and get interested in following a deer, but the way this animal stalked the deer, I had a feeling it was a wild animal. In my imagination, of course, I say this was a wolf. But it was likely a stray dog.

In any case, I held my camera by the strap, so it could become a weapon if needed and I made my way back to the car. I told Robert, if you had been with me, I would have been brave and stayed out there! :)
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna,

    They are indeed dog tracks, as you thought. As far as I know, there are no wolves in Zion. You do have them in Montana, though.

    Thank you for your comments about my web site. Tracking is my favorite thing to do outdoors. It's never the same from day to day. The stories always change.

    Thanks again and happy tracking!
    Kim Cabrera


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